Classes at 800A Berlin: Learn German, Electronic Music, Acting classes in an international environment
As an independent cultural project, we truly believe in the empowering value of education and self-improvement. Learning German is a very important step towards integration for expats, newcomers and internationals in Berlin, and we've experienced it first-hand since our arrival in the German capital in 2010. Learning German in Berlin is often difficult for internationals, as many courses are very expensive or have a long waiting list. Through our venue we are now launching a new format of GERMAN COURSES, offering German courses for beginners and intermediate students that aim at improving your skills and your proficiency quickly. You can join a DROP-IN MEETUP CLASS before committing to the course! We'll take into consideration the major obstacles newcomers face when approaching the language, and our mother-tongue teachers will follow you throughout the program with a modern approach based on media and cultural references. You'll take the class in the familiarity of our space, taking advantage of the personable atmosphere, the cultural links we can offer and becoming a part of our ever-growing community at 800A Berlin. BOOK A SPOT IN THE UPCOMING GERMAN CLASS HERE!
As Berlin is considered to be the electronic capital of the world , and we're a vibrant part of the wonderful cultural community in the city, we're now offering the chance to learn Ableton Live from qualified Ableton instructors in our spaces! The unicity of the project is truly incredible: not only you'll have the chance to join an Electronic Music course from a MUCH LOWER PRICE than the ones on the market, but you'll also get the chance to perform and play music ON OUR STAGE at public events within the format of the course. BOOK A SPOT IN THE NEXT ABLETON CLASS HERE!
Since 2013 Instant Theatre Berlin has empowered thousands of students to unleash their inner creativity in performance and life. We truly believe that anybody can become confident and expressive on stage. So if you're curious about acting and theatre, want to become more outgoing in your professional and personal life, and want to meet some amazing new friends, you've come to the right place. BOOK YOUR NEXT ACTING CLASS HERE!

Alex Casadio
Alex has 19 years’ experience as an actor, director, writer and musician. He has performed, produced and/or directed dozens of productions ranging from Shakespeare and Checkhov to contemporary experimental pieces. He teaches acting and improv in Berlin since 2013 and is the founder of Instant Theatre Berlin.

Gianna Gehlhar
Gianna G. is a professional music performer and trainer. Born and raised in Germany, she's a renowned synth-pop artist and within her project JYLDA she toured extensively in Germany and the UK. At 800A Berlin she's responsible for the organisation of our Music classes, as well as our German courses.
In this video some of our previous students share what they loved about our acting classes.